Go for a great looking body that is toned and healthy looking with our Shapewear range. Here at Tipptoes, we are pleased to offer our Micromassage Magic and Silver Wave lines in various types, lengths, colours and denivers.
Our micromassage line contains patented three-dimensional wave fabric that uses the natural movements of the body to apply a beneficial micromassaging effect on the skin. This stimulates microcirculation that is impaired by cellulite, prevents swelling of the legs and helps to eliminate excess fluids. These micromassage stockings and tights are a specific treatment to fight water retention and cellulitis.
Our silver wave range combines effective micromassage functions with long-term bacteriostatic characteristics. The silver ions in the silver range prevent the reproduction of bacteria and prevent the onset of unpleasant odours. As these products use natural movements, their effectiveness is increased when they are worn during physical activity. The active micromassage can generate light furrows on the skin, showing that the draining effect is efficient. These will disappear in a few hours, leaving the skin smooth and excess fluid free.